Tado Geofencing

Tado Geofencing

Intelligent smart heating control systems, from Germany, Holland, UK, Italy, Ireland & USA we will give all the expert advice and our all installed by our dedicated Heating Engineers & technicians,review our smart controls pop in for a trial of the controls in our showroom we survey & design if required, supply and install. Contact us

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THSHeat’s personal insights but also the experience of our staff.

The office – showroom heating was running all day, despite the fact that that someone had left he office for an hour or two and Geo area comfort settingsforgot to turn down the heating. I hated the idea of wasting energy especially if the office staff were away on dinner or afternoon off etc.
Since thsheat installed the tado° heating control system and I’m away from the office, I see on the app that tado° has lowered the temperature to save on energy. It really feels good to know that somebody else is taking care of things and making sure energy is used efficiently. As soon as I start heading back to the office tado° turns on the heating. It’s a great moment when I walk in and I feel that the air has recently been heated up – just for me. I hope you guys have a similar experience.
This can used either in the home, office, shop, or business area.
In the office there can be 1 -3 people in the office and showroom at different times of the day, we all have the app and if one person leaves the office the heating will stay on if there is another person is in the office, but if the last person was to leave then the heating would turn down to a set back temperature. The system will recognise if someone is returning and the heating rise back to set temperature
Continue reading to understand how tado° works best in your personal situation.


Geofencing 1


tado° carefully reduces the temperature of your home when the last person leaves – always keeping in mind how to pre-warm the home most efficiently for your return.

Operation is fully automatic via the tado° mobile app.



The technology behind the geolocation feature

In a nutshell: the further you are away from home, the lower the temperature at home.

Geofencing THS Office 3

Tado Geolocation taken from PC

The parameters which best work for your home are determined by the tado° algorithm and are optimised on a daily basis.

The geolocation feature uses three methods:

Distance to cell towers (triangulates your position)

Nearby Wifi networks to determine the position
GPS signal (occasionally) to obtain your exact location..

Making it work on your phone


A few customers encountered problems with the precision of the geolocation service.

This may have the following reasons:

-You have an iPhone and you have terminated the app. For precise control, please don’t stop the app / don’t swipe it away (see picture)tado 2

-Your location services or Wifi are not activated

-Correct app refresh settings. iOS7 contains a new setting that allows you to switch off background processes (on a per app basis). For tado° to function effectively, your settings must be set as shown(see picture). Tado geolocation taken from smartphone



-You have not yet downloaded the latest tado° update

– You live in an area with very few mobile towers and few Wifi networks around you.

-You have an old Android version (below V2.3.3) or an iPhone 3GS

If all else fails, call our help line and we will adjust the home zone radius for you (in the near future, you’ll actually be able to do this yourself).


Geo area
What’s next  in development

Tado are continuously improving the geolocation algorithm for you with every update. Rest assured that we will further improve usability and include ways to manually adjust the control.